Monday 2 March 2020


EP: Can we know you?
Ans: I am Oluwa Tosin Ajala, am a talking drummer, I have been playing the talking drum for over 15year now.
E.P: How did the passion for talking drums develop?
Ans: Well I just develop the passion because when I play this instrument I’m always happy, it brings joy to my heart.
E.P: Do you have a band of your own?
Ans: Not yet, I play with some life band, infact up to 7 different band and less
E.P: What is your projection in terms of playing the drum?
Ans: How  wish by next year I should be like Ara the female interest, and talking drummer but with God I will get there.
E.P: What is your message to your fans and music lovers.
Ans: I thank them immensely for the love they always show to me and that they can get my contact through my facebook/ Oluwatosin Ajala

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