Wednesday, 24 August 2022

Denge pose inspiration came from things that happen in our social life .says Babafryo

EP/ Can you tell us your name 
Babafryo /My name is simply and artistically Babafryo..
EP /How did music begin for you .
Babafryo / Music is in me right from the start.
EP/.Your monster hit " Denge Pose " that gave you unprecedented limelight in the music industry ,how did you arrive at the  title and musical formation.
Babafryo/ Denge pose inspiration came from things that happen in our social life.
EP/ What is the message of your music
Babafryo/ The message is that we should bring down our pride..
EP/ For those aspiring to musicals a profession what will be your advice for them...
Babafryo/They should apply devotion,long suffering and dedication to music..
EP/ Mention some of your music releases and their  titles.
Babafryo /" Denge pose " , "Notice me"," "country no send ",and the new one " Dey your Dey" 
EP/ How did you come about your stage name " Babafryo" 
Babafryo/The babafryo is just a normal name for Friday born .
EP/. Enlighten us on your new project
Babafryo/My new project entitled" Dey ur Dey " is to fight against hypocrites, Sycophant and parasites cause some people will pretend to love you but don't have the love for you.
Babafryo # Dey ur Dey is out on all streaming platforms..

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