Sunday 28 August 2022

" My determination and love of music keeps me going"says IYERE VICTOR UWAIFO FIRST SON OF LATE PROFESSOR VICTOR UWAIFO..The New York United States of American based Raggae musician bares it all here .

EP/ What determine your choice of music 
IYERE VICTOR UWAIFO / My determination into music  is my decision to study music  and make it a reality by attending a school  of music  formed by my  late father  Sir Victor Uwaifo  known  as Victor Uwaifo  Academy of Music  and theater Arts and also to be recognized worldwide..
EP/ How can we get your music.
IYERE VICTOR UWAIFO/You can download my music from my YouTube channel by typing prince uwaifo or Iyere Uwaifo.Some of the titles are " RASTAFARIAN" ," Baby Girl" ," Party tonight' ," Rain falling " ,," Mud Yard " ," Woman's Love " and " Natural mystic", cover of Bob  Marley ' s remix .
EP/ Tell us about some great performances of yours .
IYERE VICTOR UWAIFO/Some of my performances is in New York  City,New Jersey, Newark, Houston Texas, California and lots of memorable shows  back home with my father the music maestro himself.
EP/Now Iyere any new project from you to your fans  and music lovers.
IYERE VICTOR UWAIFO/The new project I have  now  is  new single s titled " Rain _ Falling' and " Mud Yard " .
EP/ Your message to music lovers ..
IYERE VICTOR UWAIFO/My message to them is to keep on pushing, be determined with  concentration.
EP/ Tell us about the great legend ,joromi master your father sir Victor Uwaifo .
IYERE VICTOR UWAIFO/My father is  a musical legend,he iwas a great man and well known worldwide during his lifetime.
He was  a very good father his death a great surprise to me .But we give thanks to the almighty father ..
Blessings my brother the Entertainment parrot man ,it's my pleasure...

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